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Our leads come with the info you need to win the job. See examples from real customers below.- 10 minutes agoClean house interiorArmin S.Reno, NV 89433Message from customer:Looking for a cleaner to turn over a vacation rental home once per week. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms.How often do you need cleaning:Recurring serviceLocation type:Home/residenceSee more details
- 30 minutes agoSCHEDULEDControl or relocate birds or batsAsenth P.Round Rock, TX 78681Message from customer:We have a woodpecker trying to go through one of our gable vents. We just replaced one of the air vents at a high cost and now he is back to try to get in through a second gable vent. Someone told us that there are metal frames that can be placed over air vents. We do not know where to purchase those let alone mount them to the house. We are seeking professionals to take care of the problem. Are you them? Do you supply and place protective equipment against returning woodpeckers? Please reach out if you are. Thank youIs this a bird or bat problem:BirdWhat is the problem:Exterior damage, NestingSee more details
- 2 hours agoCLOSED - WONMoving services - out of stateCameron A.Berkeley, CA 94704Message from customer:Moving 5 furniture items from an art studio in CA to a residence in NYC. A desk, headboard, nightstand, armoire, bookshelf (all antique style hardwood pieces). Most are not largeWhat do you need help with:Packing & movingMove date:April 16th, 2024See more details
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WyattWorks Plumbing
We’ve been in business for 35 years and advertising with Angi for over 15 years. We’ve serviced over 10,000 homes through Angi.
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Long Island Clean Water Service
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Renaissance Women’s Cleaning Plus
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Steven A.
Mr. Handyman of Nassau County
We have been with Angi for a little over a year, had over 100 contacts and closed 80% of those deals.
Taraleigh C. & Bert B.
Bert's Well and Pump Service
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